Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Biggest LOL of 2011...

Charlie Sheen 'Winning'

In 2011 Charlie Sheen redefined the term celebrity meltdown, which even put the Britney Spear's head shaving incident to shame.

In January the actor's top-rated comedy 'Two and a Half Men' was put on hold whilst he was treated for substance abuse. However, only two months later, Sheen was fired from the show after making some extremely abusive remarks about series creator Chuck Lore, CBS and Warner Bros. 

Then just when we had all thought that things couldn't get any worse for Charlie, he went completely off the rails. This was first apparent in the interviews following his departure from 'Two and a Half Men', do the words 'tiger blood' and 'winning' ring any bells? Next thing you know Sheen was involved in another complete mess involving custody issues with troubled ex-wife Brooke Mueller and was then booed off stage during his slated 'My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not an Option' stand up tour. 

After the infamous 'Good Morning America' interview, Sheen landed 2 million twitter followers all eagerly awaiting his next bout of insanity. It was only a matter of time before spoof youtube videos were made.

Though, I do admit that I, alongside the millions of viewers, found the songify winning video amusing, which is probably why this moment has been titled as the biggest 'lol' of the year. However, when I take a step back and think for a moment I do feel almost guilty for laughing at the breakdown of this broken man. The transformation of his meltdown from news to an internet sensation probably helped to fuel Sheen's excessive breakdown. It had became more a spectacle than anything else and, with a rapidly increasing number of twitter followers, Sheen probably wanted to exploit his own exploitation and top his latest drug fuelled scandal.

Luckily, it seems that Sheen is gradually recovering from the years events after rehabilitation and is now patching up the cracks in his family life after going on holiday with ex-wife Denise Richards and his two children. 

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